
My account



We guarantee that we will respond to you within 24 hours and in your language. We understand the importance of responding in a timely manner with projects such as these.

All data marked with an asterisk(*) are compulsory. They must be completed in order to complete the application process.

Information on the use of data

Basic information on data protection

  • Responsible: PRINTICS
  • The purpose: management of user registration on our website. Once the form is sent and validated, the user will be able to access his/her account and interact with all the services that the website offers.
  • Legitimacy: execution of commercial relationship and the user's consent.
  • Recipients: can be transfered only in case a legal obligation exists.
  • Rights: To access, to rectify and to eliminate, as well as other rights, as stated in our Privacy Policy.

You could consult the complete information on our Privacy Policy.